Buy a website for your business

Website design, ready for sale
Website for a beauty salon
400,00 $200,00 $ -
Website for the veterinary clinic
300,00 $150,00 $ -
Website for a realtor or real estate agency
400,00 $200,00 $ -
Website for wine production
400,00 $200,00 $ -
Site for rental of special equipment
400,00 $200,00 $ -
Site for the car service center
400,00 $200,00 $
A turnkey solution for you and your Business
We’ve already created turnkey websites for a variety of niches, including distribution, law, B2B manufacturing, restaurant business, real estate, auto services, spas, healthcare and software.
Buying a website with a ready-made design does not mean that you get a particular template that does not fit the theme of the business that you have, and you will sort out and fill it yourself. This catalog is designed in order to be able to choose the best starting option, and add blocks that you like. At the output, you buy a ready-made website, created exclusively with information about you and the activities that you do. Given all the wishes of the customer, and functionality that others do not even include in the basic versions. All the images and texts that you provide, we will place for FREE, if you do not like the way it will look – we will replace.
Buy a ready-made website to make money
The main goal in any business is to make money and profit. Your business is judged by the appearance of your website. If the site is outdated, poorly designed or not there at all, it affects how customers perceive your business and brand;
It is hard not to agree with the fact that companies and entrepreneurs who already have a ready-made website - look more professional against the background of competitors.
New level
By buying a website, you're helping to take your business a new step forward.

Buy a website inexpensively
This is exactly the kind of query our potential clients enter after encountering web agencies that quoted a very inadequate price. We understand that there are large enterprises, but there are also medium and small entrepreneurs who drive the economy in any country. They are the main part of our clients. SiTestoreX offers premium but affordable web development packages for small businesses and startups. Every client can count on us to provide the most effective online marketing solutions that help generate or increase your revenue and turn casual online visitors into customers.

Websites are ready to be promoted
We specialize in creating search engine-friendly websites. Our approach to web development differs from that of most agencies. To make sure your business, brand, services or products have potential in the digital marketplace, we analyze your competitors and customize a free promotion module for average frequency queries on Google.
Quick update
Websites work on a modular platform, it allows you to expand, update and improve the site at any time. And even completely change
Сайты готовы к продвижению
Мы специализируемся на создании веб-сайтов, удобных для поисковых систем. Наш подход к веб-разработке отличается от подхода большинства агентств. Чтобы убедиться, что Ваш бизнес, бренд, услуги или товары имеют потенциал на цифровом рынке, мы анализируем конкурентов, и бесплатно настраиваем модуль для продвижения под средне частотные запросы в Гугл.

Быстрое обновление
Сайты работают на модульной платформе, это позволяет расширить, обновить и улучшить сайт в любой момент. И даже полностью изменить его.